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How do the NGOs help the Children with Disabilities in India at Their Special Homes?
23Dec 2020

How do the NGOs help the Children with Disabilities in India at Their Special Homes?

The NGOs reach out to the children with difficulties by giving them an opportunity to provide a voice of their own by identifying their special needs and giving them a scope to express the children's views on their needed priorities. Through their evaluation services, the NGOs in India take up specialized steps to advocate changes and public awareness to help children suffering from disabilities.  
Being the huge mode to help the children with self-development, the NGOs provide them with a great opportunity for developing their skills in the required sectors like negotiation process, mutual support, organization abilities, information sharing as well as vocational skills and related opportunities. Development is encouraged so the children forget their disabilities and partake in the participation process.
So, How Do The NGOs Help The Disabled Children At The Special Homes In India?
The homes for the children with disabilities in India as setting up by the NGOs are to keep them aware of their own needs and to ensure their needs are met.
    i. An Own Voice for Self-Representation
    • The NGOs believe the children with disabilities are their best spokespersons. It is because the NGOs believe that their motto for the upliftment of children with disabilities is to have a voice of their own. Such a premise is its backbone.
    • For a long time, the NGO professionals involved in medical and social work with the help of the extended families did speak up for the peoples with disabilities. The NGOs had represented the children with disabilities to the public, the United Nations, service providers, and governments. 
    • At the homes set up for the children with disabilities, learn how to redefine themselves as the citizens of the nation having individual rights, and not as patients. 
    • The NGO professionals have acted as the voice for the disabled children and now they encourage the children at the Homes to understand they rightly belong to the "civil rights" organization so they are aware of their rights and can rightfully access every community service.
    ii. The Grassroots Needs are Identified 
    • The NGOs have proved themselves as the organizations for the disabled children and so they rise up in response to the perceptions of some people to address and solve the existing barriers to the disabled children's participation.
    • Being based on the aspirations and needs as the grassroots community has developed, the disabled children can have rights to educations to become financially better.
    • Through the education opportunities developed by NGO professionals, disabled children can identify and analyze the barriers hindering their participation at different events.
    • At the Homes set up for the disabled children in India, the children could learn the tools, which the other in the society use. Likewise, the children could identify their own needs and formulate the means to meet them.
At the special Homes set up by the NGOs India for the children with disabilities, they are taught to identify themselves and speak up for their needs. Once they can realize their needs, they develop the ability to be their own voices and thus actively participate in social events with confidence.


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