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How Are NGOs Working For Disabled People In India?
27Sep 2023

How Are NGOs Working For Disabled People In India?

As per data presented by the govt, it is estimated that 2% of the Indian population suffers from some form of disability. The spectrum of disability is quite broad. It can talk about people's range of physical as well as mental disabilities. However, the needs of this huge chunk of the population are often neglected by the society at large. This is where the role of NGOs starts to become important. NGOs working for the disabled populace of India help to make their lives easier. Here’s how NGOs help disabled people in India with their support. 

Be Their Voice:

NGOs for PWD act as the voice of people with disabilities. Since people with disabilities can't voice their demands. Or whenever they do, it is neglected because it lacks support. The same does not happen with NGOs. NGOs for PWD have connections and support which make them a powerful agency to propel change in society. By being the voice of disabled people in India NGOs can help make a resounding change in their lives.

Organize Campaigns:

Disability organizations in India organize various campaigns and drives which aim to improve how society perceives and treats disabled people. The sensitization campaign plays an integral part in shaping and improving the way society interacts and behaves with people with disabilities. This helps make the lives of people living with disabilities easier in India.

Lobby Policies:

Govt tries to create policies to help make the lives of disabled people in India easier. However, sometimes regulations are discriminatory in their nature or interpretation, making it difficult for individuals with disabilities to have a normal and welcome existence in society. As a result, NGOs supporting disabled people in India serve as a pressure group, lobbying for positive legislative changes.

Create Opportunities:

NGOs working for people with disabilities are not only rallies for the rights of disabled people in India. But they try to actively make a difference in life. Any human being feels a greater sense of autonomy when they can support their living. Thus, NGOs or disability organizations in India conduct skill development classes that can help disabled people in India develop some skills that can generate income. Thereby, NGOs for PWD help create opportunities for their growth.

These are some of the ways NGOs for disabled people in India help PWDs lead a better life. These small efforts done by NGOs help create a whirlwind of change in the lives of people with disabilities in India.


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